Firefox is a great browser. One of the reasons I really love it is because it is highly configurable: as an Emacs user, I wanted to use emacs key bindings inside Firefox – well, it’s easy to do that. And much more!
Most of the magic for me comes from the awesome keysnail addon. It basically convert Firefox into Emacs, is also highly configurable and have plugins.
For example, I now use C-x <left> and C-x <right> to switch tabs; C-x b to choose a specific tab (using the Tanything plugin) or C-x k to kill a tab. Tabs are now like Emacs buffers! Keysnail support the mark, incremental search (C-s and C-r), specific functions, … Even M-x is implemented, to search and run specific commands!
Also I use the Find As You Type Firefox feature, for links. It’s awesome: I just hit ‘, then start typing some letters in a link title that I want to follow – I can then use C-s or C-r to find next/previous matching links if needed, then I just press Return to follow the link.
I can browse the web more efficiently, I am less using the mouse and I can reuse the same key bindings in Emacs and Firefox! I keep my configuration files on github, feel free to look at it if you’re interested!
Happy browsing!